

5G RedCap 工业路由器 ZLT IR40M-UN60R

ZLT IR40M-UN60R是一款基于 3GPP Release 17 技术,支持 5G SA 组网,强适配、多场景应用 4 口工业路由器,标配为 1WAN/LAN+3LAN、RS485、DI/DO,可选 WiFi6、GNSS、B 码授时。支持 SA、LTE,将蜂窝网络数据转换为千兆有线网口数据。可选支持 5G 行业特色功能:5G LAN、网络切片、 高精度授时、高精度 NR 定位、uRLLC ;支持多制式网络覆盖。
ZLT IR40M-UN60R based on 3GPP Release 17 technology is a general-purpose, strong adaptation, multi-scenario application 4-port industrial router. The standard configuration is 1WAN/LAN+3LAN, RS485, DI/DO, and WiFi6, GNSS, and B-code timing are optional. It supports SA, LTE, and converts cellular network data into Gigabit wired network port data. Optional 5G functions: 5G LAN, network slicing, high-precision timing, high-precision NR positioning, uRLLC, and multi-standard network coverage.

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